Sunday, June 23, 2013


Reflection  Understanding the Impact of Technology
Week 7

In this course Understanding the impact of technology I was able to learn analyze and learn about how integrating of technology can improve pedagogy, practice, and student learning.  I also learned about the importance of getting acquainted with technology through blogs, podcast, email, cell phones, tablets and other technologies.   This class really helped me develop my blog so that it may be able to be researchable by RSS feeds,  and understand the community of learners available in the cyber life. 

In our discussion boards we were able to explore society changes and how these changes might influence integration in the classroom.  During that week our class was asked to form groups and explain how technology has changed the workplace.  We also constructed a plan for blogs as a teaching tool and articulate how to work collaboratively, and understand to which extent classroom environments are disconnected from modern workplace.

Probably the most challenging part of the course was developing group wiki becase for that one week all of the classmate that participated in the group had to be on one accord.  This lesson help  define barriers that come with group exercise such as setting a time to work together then making sure each classmate could express their opinions or feedback on the specific subject.  Next classmates had to understand their goals or objectives for the project.

One of the most interesting assignments was evaluating the role technology can play in building 21st-century skills.  This assignment was cool because we learned the importance of partnership for 21st Century Skills website, and analyze the implications of teaching 21st-century skills for students and educator.  The question was asked was the fellow classmates digital natives and how do they meet learning needs of students population? 

With so many students being technology savvy teachers are given the challenge of using different technology tools in the classroom and knowing when to use the different technologies.  One of the suggestion was designing a lesson that uses Web 2.0 tool to integrate collaborative problems  Teachers also shared here problems on the internet with guest.  Next students had to research the differences of technology exposure, utilization, and skill among the students in the classroom and present.

This week we learned how teachers role were transferred because of the changes in technology, society, students changing teachers were faced with the challenge of making the course interesting.

Finally I believe that some of the question that I may have had about the impact of technology has changed through information provided by this course.  I will also take the information given and try to incorporate it in my current teaching environment.

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